Letter to the Editor, Thursday, March 11, 2021
I write this to you in question of your morning edition of the “Free Press”, as it were. I thank you for some of the local coverage, such as the girl who lost her thumbs at a school explosion, I am glad to see she will be okay, but her hitchhiking will be compromised. Your continued coverage of the China Flu, and all its offshoots is as expected. I am not sure what a vaccine card is, other than I have one for my kids that keeps track of the tried and true ones that we have had for years, I don’t recall a recent polio case. But then, I would not expect to see any of those reported in the “Free Press”, since it is not good click bait, and does not really hurt any Republicans. I am not sure if I would “post” a card showing I was vaccinated against the China Flu anyway, is that some kind of social check mark, to prove that you are part of the it crowd. I guess if you are worried about scammers getting a look at it, then it must be.
I see that for subscribers, you get the headline “Make the vaccine the price of admission to public life” I am guessing since I am not a premium subscriber that the article revolves around the logic that if you do not get vaccinated, you should be shunned from all outside social interaction and freedoms. As the commie rag you are that would fit right along the party line you spew daily on the “Free Press.”
I see you are covering a “walk” to honor the love ones killed by your Governor and her orders to send sick folks back to nursing homes, although I do not see any front page coverage of that issue, nope, no one at the “Free Press” seems to think that is of any importance, not even enough to look into it, ask tough questions, nope not that important. You are however pleading with the Genocide Gov to let more people into the Tigers games, as if she has any say over what a private non-governmental venue can or cannot do, but you good little corporate minions will tow the line, and beg and plead, good luck.
Again above the fold, to use a term from your industry, you have a story about a chef from Laos, Laos, is that even still a country? Anyway, the Chef tells of his pains of hunger, he fled Laos to come to Detroit, man, I suppose he wanted to have it worse, well good luck to him. And please make sure you keep this story alive and check in with him next year, I am sure all those dead grannies will be eager to know how the Chef from Laos is doing.
As some sort of death count, but for businesses, you have “One year later” list of dead businesses, again, no dead grannies at the hand of your governor, but again, that is not important, because Major Magic’s is gone! The horror!!
I am not even going to open the food fighters article, I already know it is a waste of time, still no dead grannies stories as I scroll down.
Lastly, above the fold, is what “experts” are predicting for the recovery after the forced economic collapse brought on by granny killer, but alas, that is only for the privileged subscribers. So I can only speculate that there are some maybe’s and if’s and a wear a mask or some other useless China Flu stats in there.
So in closing, thank you for bringing me the most hard hitting and in-depth stories on missing thumbs and Chef’s from Laos today.
The Chazzer!
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